Information :
Documented At | 10/01/2023 |
Associate PM | Damayanti Mastania Ulfa |
Approved At | 13 April 2023 |
Project Owner | Teguh Kartika Ningrum (GMB) |
Version | V.00001 |
Software Tester | |
Dev Ops | |
Designer |
Discovery :
Backgroud | GMB is a distributor company and has an activity to convert items before they deliver items to customers. GMB needs to recap & record all data items has converted to generate the financial statement. so GMB needs the system calculation to record data, and generate data with accuracy. |
Problem | HMW gmb able to recap & record all data items have converted? |
Goals | 100% of all data able to recap & record on the ERP |
100% gmb team able to generate data with accuracy | |
Initiative | Manufacture module (simple version) |
Persona | - Production admin |
Features | Manufacture - production In |
Description | This feature is able to recap & record raw materials that need to convert to finished goods. This feature can create with a reference formula or without reference. production is able to reference several productions out |
Project Scope | - Create production In |
User Story
Link Design :
Date | Description |
31/02/2023 | 1. Dalam pembuatan production in, di dalam apps ini apakah user harus di tentukan berdasarkan akses yang sudah di sediakan oleh admin seperti akses branch dll |
Jawaban : setiap proses pembuatan form di erp perlu ada pembatasan hak akses mas rangga : hak akses branch, role permission fitur (crud fitur itu)
Jawaban : bu @kartika_KopiBara ini existing bisa buat tanpa formula, adakah penjagaan minum stock bu? Soalnya kapan hari sy ingat disalah satu fitur manufaktur itu perlu ada minum stock yang bisa ditarik ke produksi ?
Jawaban Buat mas rangga, kalo opsi ya berarti bisa kosong mas.
Ini maksudnya gimana mas ? Requirement mana yang dimaksud?
Reply : Kalo diliat dari flowmap ini ada proces pencocokan dengan requirment yang sudah disediakan, apakah ini ada requirment yang disediakan atau bagaimana ya Mba? kalo dari flowmap yang di berikan Mba Aini waktu itu.
Reply :
hasil cobanya dipoint ungu apa aja mas yang required atau yang unique, kalo sudah ada boleh dishare dulu supaya kami bisa adjust
Maksudnya gimana mas ?
Reply : Kalo dari process manufaktur dulu, ketika akan membuat suatu data maka diinputkan picnya atau user yang melakukan pembuatan tersebut, nah untuk delegasi atau yang bertanggung jawab atas data tersebut apakah user createnya atau PICnya ya Mba kalo di lapangan?
Reply aini :
Kalo sudah punya referensi gaboleh edit mas
Lite version itu yang mana mas ?
Reply : Lite version ini maksudnya yang sekarang aplikasi sedang di kerjakan sih Mba aku sebutnya lite version hehe
Sudah ada mas rangga utk master warehouse | | 17/02/2023 | 1. Kalo ada penambahan yang diluar bahan baku gabisa langsung ditambahkan ditambhin lewat mana ya? 2.kolom satuan unit yang dipakai yang terkecil 3. Tombol save 4. Kalo sudah save redirect ke show 5. Show setelah diklik approve. 6. Ketika setelah save status form jadi pending & status approval pending |
Date | PO Requirement | Acc Criteria |
15/03/2023 | 1. export print, show page can access if user has read permission | • Scenario export Production In |
◦ Given : **The User has read permission**
◦ When : The User click export button
◦ Then : The system will download Manufacture In data as excel
• Scenario Print Manufacture In ◦ Given : The User has read permission ◦ When : The User click print button ◦ Then : The system will show print preview
• Scenario detail Manufacture In ◦ Given : The User visit to detail page form Manufacture In ◦ When : The User is authorized ▪ Error Message if the user unauthorized : Redirect to login page ◦ And : The User has read permission ▪ Error Message if the user has no read permission : Redirect to forbidden page ◦ Then : The User can access detail page Manufacture In data | | 15/03/2023 | 2. the PIC name can be inputed on notes column
reason : request dari PO kalo tidak ada konfirm dari pembuat maka tidak perlu, bisa diinput sebagai keterangan saja. | | | 15/03/2023 | 3. stock will decreased if the form is approved and journal is recorded | • Scenario approve Manufacture In ◦ Given : The User visit to detail page form Manufacture In ◦ When : The User has approval permission ▪ Error message if the user has no approval permission : the approval button is hidden ◦ And : The User click approve button on approval notification ◦ Then : The system will update form data and show the success message “Approve success” and redirect to detail page and the stock will decreased | | 15/03/2023 | 4. user can be approve/reject the deletion if they have a delete permission | • When : The User has no delete permission • And : The User has to input reason delete ◦ Error message if the user didn’t input the reason delete column : the column reason delete is required • And : The User has to select another user that has an access to delete ◦ Error message if the user didn’t select the user : the select user column is required • Then : The system will show the success message “Request delete success” and sent request delete form to the user that selected to approve delete | | 15/03/2023 | 5. production in became reference for production out | | | 12/04/2023 | 6. Grammar on Exported File (Date Export > Export Date) (Export Period > Period) | |
Change Log
Date | Person | Description |
17/02/2023 | Aini | Menambahkan beberapa design yang kurang sesuai dari standar yang sudah ada |
25/3/2023 | Dama | 1. Menambahkan keterangan untuk default filter dan sorting data |